Hope Renewed Counseling Services is now closed. For client records please email, rachael@hoperenewedcs.com or call (608)501-8844.


Brainspotting is a revolutionary new counseling tool that helps the client and the clinician spot troubled areas of a person’s life. The brain is a marvelous organ within our bodies. It is intricately connected to every tissue and cell within us. It also has the amazing capacity to record every event that has ever happened to us.

Sometimes events in our lives have left us with trauma buried deep within. The brain will encapsulate the traumatic event so that we can continue to function and live life. However we were never meant to live with traumatic events. If we do not find the help we need to unlock those events we find ourselves instead acting in self destructive ways whether that be in our thinking patterns, relationships, health, addictions, mood disorders, etc. The client and a trained therapist work together to find those traumatic events, unlock them, giving freedom to release them, and find peace within.

The professionals at Hope Renewed Counseling Services have many years of experience in counseling. Through this training, we have learned that images, beliefs, emotions, and body sensations that were once experienced during a disturbing event can become frozen within an individual. While brainspotting therapy cannot change whatever traumatic event or loss has caused, it can help you and other family members to manage the effects of trauma, grief and issues that arise in its wake.

We have helped many individuals in the Madison area experience tremendous results through brainspotting. The path to freedom is yours to begin walking on but you are the one who must take the first step. Call us at 608-406-2624 or email today to begin the journey.

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